• University Programs


    'The Clinical Adventurer'

  • What We Do

    The Clinical Adventurer has been specifically designed to engage and immerse students groups of nursing, paramedicine and medicine in clinical relevant activities while they experience the people, food and culture of their host country.


    Students participate in observational clinical work experiences and sometimes have the opportunity to work along side local physicians in humanitarian health assistants roles as well as provide real-time basic life support training to community groups. These experiences often culminates with a local adventure activity which will provide funds for clincial equipment to be donated while the participants completing modules from the expedition medicine series.


    Or two current projects are below.

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    The Clinical Adventurer - Nepal has been specifically designed to engage and immerse students groups in Nepali communities with a focus on mountain medicine

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    Timor Leste

    The Clinical Adventurer - Timor has been specifically designed to engage and immerse students groups in Timorese culture with an emphasis on tropical medicine.

  • A Quick History of the Clinical Adventurer


    Wild Medic Years

    Following the catastrophic Nepal earthquakes of 2015, Explora Medicines founder Sunny Whitfield established a remote clinic in the Himalayan foothills of Helambu in partnership with a locally run NGO. The partnership allowed a needs-analysis to identify a regional location that would benefit greatly from a primary health care facility. The first clinic was located in a 'borrowed' UN tent and became the site for the first permanent clinic built. Between 2015 – 2020 the project expanded to include Nepal, Vanuatu, Timor, Fiji and Samoa.


    The aim and ethos of the projects was to develop the clinics through local partnerships in order for them to become locally managed and self-sustaining from both an infrastructure and staffing capability.


    During the COVID shutdowns the projects were closed down and the remaining money was donated to keep the clinics running and international staff employed for as long as possible.


    See the impact of these projects below.



    Clinical teams were successfully deployed.


    Clinical educators were succesfully deployed.


    Student teams were successfully deployed.


    was raised for funding clinical projects.


    Bricks and mortar clinics were built.


    Community shelter was built.


    Community tiolet block was built.


    Womens shelter was built.


    Clinical educational sessions were facilitated


    Clean water projects were established,


    Womens health prgrams were run in partnership.

  • Re-establishing a Connection

    When the world re-opened Explora Medicine had already been developed and grown to provide remote health care support and training to teams from Discovery+, Disney, NatGeo, Natural Hx Channel, TEN and ABC.


    Due to the limited financial flow in some international regions during this time, some of the former project sites from the wild medic era re-established contact and requested support programs again. Under Explora Medicine, The Clinical Adventurer was born with three main goals:

    1. Support locally grown clinical projects in primary health care.
    2. Provide a safe and risk assessed placement program for university teams.
    3. Provide students from Australia and in our partner countries, the opportunity to attend accredited health care training programs.


    1 Local partner NGO

    2 main project sites


    1 Local partner NGO

    2 main locations

  • Moving Forwards

    Explora Medicine now continues to work with our local partners, developing good relationships and responding to needs as identified by the community including construction of buildings, acquisition of furniture and the provision of primary health care equipment and training.


    We balance the needs of the university teams with the needs of the local community to create sustainable and safe programs that are collaborative in nature that are shared learning environments.

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  • Contact us for more information